Kaushik Panchamatia & 3 others v Prime Bank Limited & another [2020] eKLR Case Summary

Court: Court of Appeal at Kisumu

Category: Civil

Judge(s): Nambuye, Koome, and Makhanda, JJ.A.

Judgment Date: August 07, 2020

Country: Kenya

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 3

 Case Summary    Full Judgment     


Explore the case summary of Kaushik Panchamatia & 3 others v Prime Bank Limited & another [2020] eKLR, analyzing the key legal findings and implications for banking law in Kenya.

Case Brief: Kaushik Panchamatia & 3 others v Prime Bank Limited & another [2020] eKLR

1. Case Information:
- Name of the Case: Kaushik Panchamatia & Others v. Prime Bank Limited & Another
- Case Number: Civil Application No. 72 of 2020
- Court: Court of Appeal at Kisumu
- Date Delivered: August 7, 2020
- Category of Law: Civil
- Judge(s): Nambuye, Koome, and Makhanda, JJ.A.
- Country: Kenya

2. Questions Presented:
The central legal issues presented to the court include:
- Whether the applicants demonstrated sufficient grounds for a stay of execution pending the hearing of their intended appeal.
- Whether the appeal would be rendered nugatory if the stay was not granted, particularly concerning the applicants' proprietary interests in the suit properties.

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  • Kaushik-Panchamatia--3-others-v-Prime-Bank-Limited--another-[2020]-eKLR-Case-Summary_90_0.jpg

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